Business Valuation:

The Secrets to Increasing Your Business’s Worth and Profitability

episode 2

Business Valuation:

The Secrets to Increasing Your Business’s Worth and Profitability

episode 2

Do you truly understand the value of your company? This episode of the Shocking Profit Podcast covers business valuation. Your hosts Tim Van Mieghem and Eric Mattson dive deep into the importance and intricacies of business valuation. With their wealth of experience and real-world examples, they shed light on how understanding the value of your business can lead to shockingly profitable outcomes.

Tim and Eric discuss what the value is that business owners and leaders should look to increase, and why valuation is essential for a business’s long-term success. You’ll learn the basic formula to value your business and what levers increase the value of a business.

Get ready for an engaging and eye-opening discussion as Tim and Eric arm you with the knowledge to unlock the full potential of your business. Tune in to this episode of Shocking Profit, and join them on the journey to valuation success. Let’s shock your profit!

Topics covered on Business Valuation:

  • How business owners can increase their exit value by knowing the real capability of their company
  • What business value means
  • Why business value matters even if you don’t intend to sell your business
  • Ways to increase the value of your company
  • How calculating and predicting EBITDA helps you establish a core baseline valuation
  • What common factors reduce the value of a company

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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