Growth and commercial


episode 9

Growth and Commercial


episode 9

growth and commercial strategies episode 9
growth and commercial strategies episode 9

Do the countless options on the table for growth have your head spinning?

This episode of the Shocking Profit Podcast tackles the topic of growth through commercial strategies. Your hosts Tim Van Mieghem and Eric Mattson, guide listeners through their powerful four-part methodology for commercial strategy that leads to sustained growth. 

Tim and Eric discuss how a commercial strategy gives business leaders a clear understanding of what, where, and how they can grow. You’ll also learn effective brainstorming techniques, why you should prioritize leveraging your existing infrastructure, and what it takes to carry out your comprehensive plan. Listen in to gain confidence in developing a commercial strategy that results in shocking profit!

Topics covered on Growth and Commercial Strategies:

  • How might growth affect the culture of a small company?
  • What is a commercial strategy?
  • How to capture your vision for growth with the four-step process of ground, dream, prioritize and align
  • What key questions can you ask to gain clarity around your business to lay the foundation for growth
  • How to complete a segmentation analysis at an 80/20 review
  • Tools and techniques for brainstorming ideas
  • Which growth options to prioritize over investment-heavy opportunities
  • How your customers can guide your growth strategy
  • Why ownership is instrumental to successful execution
  • How to persevere through pitfalls

Shocking Profit 80/20 Segmentation Analysis

Inform your strategy with our 80/20 Segmentation Analysis.

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