Key Value Levers Part Four

Risk, Process and Balance Sheet Management

episode 6

Key Value Levers Part four

Risk, Process and Balance Sheet Management

episode 6

Shocking profit podcast episode 6
Shocking profit podcast episode 6

This episode of the Shocking Profit Podcast is the final episode of the four-part series on value levers. Your hosts Tim Van Mieghem and Eric Mattson identified the top-ten most productive value levers that every business leader should prioritize to drive their business forward, and in this conversation you’ll learn how to leverage three more of these areas.

Tim and Eric discuss why risk, process and balance sheet management are instrumental to a strong business. Through insightful anecdotes and practical advice, they highlight the significance of managing both controllable and uncontrollable risks, the impact of documented processes, and balance sheet management on company health and profitability. Tune in as they share valuable insights that can help leaders navigate external risks and enhance their business value.

Topics covered on Key Value Levers Part 4:

  • How can you approach managing uncontrollable risks?
  • How can risks be turned into opportunity?
  • How can involving people downstream in your business in process management can enhance value?
  •  In what ways can measuring and managing metrics play a role in improving a company’s performance?
  • Why process management metrics must be monitored day to day
  • How can a  balance sheet serve asis not only a tool but a lever to increase value?
  • How do undocumented vs documented processes impact a business?

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