Key Value Levers Part Two

Capacity, Procurement, and Pricing

episode 4

Key Value Levers Part Two

Capacity, Procurement, and Pricing

episode 4

The Shocking Profit Podcast is back with Part 2 of its series on value levers. Get ready to unleash the secrets behind maximizing your company’s profitability. Hosts Tim Van Mieghem and Eric Mattson delve into three of the top 10 value levers that have a real-lasting impact on companies’ values. 

Tim and Eric discuss why understanding and optimizing your capacity is crucial for both service and asset-based businesses. They also walk listeners through how to use procurement as a value driver both in terms of cost and leveraging suppliers, and share why pricing strategies and controls are likely the single most powerful value lever of all. 

This is a conversation you don’t want to miss! Tim and Eric pair these three value levers with their experiences working with companies that benefited them the same way they can benefit you. Tune in to learn how to harness these three value drivers to generate greater profitability and valuation within your company. Let’s shock your profit!

Topics covered on Key Value Levers Part 2:

  • How to match capacity to customer demand 
  • How improving velocity, minimizing downtime, reducing scrap, and optimizing scheduling can result in significant improvements in a company’s bottom line
  • How to master procurement as a discipline
  • Ways to turn suppliers into valuable partners
  • The difference between cost-plus vs value-based pricing
  • Why pricing controls mater
  • How to handle pricing increases with loyal customers

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